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Ilfracombe museum

About 30 klms out of Longreach, you go through Ilfracombe. If you blinked you'd miss it, except for the museum.

For at least a kilometre coming into 'town', there is a line up of old machinery along side the road.

There are old tractors, graders, dozers, steam engines, etc - and all free to look at and climb on..



Machinery beside the road leading into Ilfracombe.


Ilfracombe museum

Some more.


Steam engine Ilfracombe

An old steam engine, on the highway.



The main street of Barcaldine - the town of pubs.


Tree of knowlege, Barcaldine

The tree of knowledge, in the main street.

These days it is a cement stump, covered in what looks like a large wooden box, fitted up side down.

Click the pic to see the story.


cement post of knowledge

Inside the 'wooden box'. The shafts of timber hanging from the ceiling are shaped to look like leaves

and at night are illuminated by green spot lights. From the outside it actually looks like a giant tree and is very clever.


Homestead caravan park

We booked into the Homestead Caravan Park which is not far off the main street, and on the road to Blackall


Homestead caravan park

Once again, we got a nice camp spot, handy to the main drag. If you want a good spot you have to be booked in by 4.00pm


Homestead caravan park - sips at 6

"Sips at Six" at the Caravan Park. Every night the owners put on a show, and cook and provide damper and billy tea.

You'd love it Digger.....


Damper at the Homestead

Ben (one of the owners) cuts up the damper which is served hot with Golden Syrup - and it was delicious.

Click HERE for a copy of the recipe. Depending on your internet speed, it could take a few seconds to download.


Nerk getting his Billy tea

Nerk lines up for his Billy Tea - served by Thanh, the real owner of the Park.


Workers heritage centre

The Barcaldine Worker's Heritage Centre.

The blurb says "The Australian Worker's Heritage Centre pays tribute to the lives of

ordinary men and women who have built our nation. Their pioneering spirit lives on through interactive displays, film, video, "

BUT - nowhere does it even mention the men and women who gambled all by putting all their belongings on the line to create a

business that gave these pioneering working men and women a JOB... Funny that!!!


Austrlaian Workers Heritage Centre

Inside the Worker's Heritage Centre.


Steam elec generator

This is the actual steam driven electricity generator that powered Barcaldine and surrounds many years ago.


Commercial Hotel

The Commercial Hotel, one of 7 huge hotels in the main street, most of which burnt down at one stage or another.

The hotels are a hang over from the days when Barcaldine was a swinging town.

How they make a living today (if they even do) is beyond us.

Click the pic to see the heritage sign.


The Globe Hotel

The Globe Hotel. Click the pic for info.


Shakespeares Hotel

Another of the 7 huge hotels. Click for info.


Servo in Barcaldine

Next morning it was time to move on, down the long road to Blackall, but first, give the mighty Togo a drink.



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