RAAF Radschool Association
Vol 23
June 2008 |
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Unfortunately, since our last edition, we
have lost many more of our good friends.
page 2
Sam has good advice for users of
MS-Excel. You can read his column on page 4.

The original "Dummy-spitter", Laurie
Lindsay, and rampaging Ron Clayton, tell their stories on
page 5
Tedda, the W.A.'s chick magnet
extraordinaire, talks about a lot of stuff on page 6
Frank gets stuck in, boots and all, to
those that question his electron movement thingy, see
page 9.
Ken Corkhill tells us about life at RAAF
Ballarat in the early 50's.
See page 15
Many words of wisdom are unleashed as you
have your say on page 17
We look for blokes and blokettes who have
gone missing on page 18
We've been asked to check the reaction of
blokes and blokettes to the idea of holding another Radschool reunion,
possibly sometime next year. We've put a questionnaire on the site to
get your opinions and you can go to it direct
HERE or read more about it HERE.
We're still waiting on one or more of the
girls to get in touch and tell us about life as a WRAAF - tell us some
of the things you used to get up to, about bed checks and all that
disciplinary stuff that wouldn't be accepted today.
We finally have a new membership
application. It's now on our site and you can access it
HERE. If you haven't already done so (and a few have) we ask that
you take a few minutes and fill in the form and return it to us. It can
all be done on line, no need to print it out - no need for stamps...just
fill it in and click. Importantly, membership is now FREE. Once we have
these forms returned we can re-build our member list and put it back on
the site. Our last list was well out of date, many people have moved,
changed email addresses, some have even gone overseas. In accordance
with our privacy policy, none of the information you provide us will be
given out to anyone.
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