Ben's Damper Recipe.


Makes a round 14 inch damper, serves 25-30 people.





7 Cups of self raising flour

170 gram unsalted butter or margarine, melted

5½ cups of water

1 teaspoon salt




You will need an open pit fire, burnt down to hot coals.


  • Clean a large camp oven, then wipe the insides with cooking oil or butter or margarine.

  • Mix together the melted butter (or margarine) with the salt and water.

  • Stir the mixture into the flour to form a moist dough.

  • Place the dough into the camp oven, sprinkle the surface with dried SR flour, cover with the camp oven lid.

  • Scoop a small amount of coals from the fire, place the camp oven on the coals then shovel a lot of coals onto the lid of the oven and allow to cook for about 40 mins.

  • Carefully lift the lid off the oven, tap the damper, if it sounds hollow it is cooked, if not, replace the lid, refresh the coals and give it a further 5 mins.

  • When cooked, remove the damper from the oven, cover with a tea towel and let it rest for about 10 minutes.

  • Serve warm with golden syrup and Billy Tea.