Radschool Association Magazine - Vol 22

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Late in November, 2007, the blokes off 12 and 13 Diploma Courses, who passed out from Frognall early

in the 70's, had a reunion. Here are some of the troops that attended.


The Djinning Association


The Djinnang Association is an association for ex RAAF communicators but also has a number of Radtechs and Telstechs as members, plus a few people who served a significant amount of time on a telecomm facility, as honorary members.


Mick Lawson tells us that they are having their annual reunion at the Public Service Club, 84 William St, in Brisbane on Sat 31st May 2008. Kick off time is 2.00pm. If you would like to go, you can register your interest HERE and you can also see who has already decided to attend. The Association has its own website and you can access it at http://www.djinnang.com.


And Neil Hunter tells us the Victorian Telstechs mob are planning a get together for Techs and Operators and others who have an association, to be held on Saturday 3 May 2008, at the Laverton Sergeants' Mess, commencing at 1400 (That's pilot talk for 2 o'clock in the afternoon). Dinner will be provided and the projected cost is $25.00 per person, buy your own drinks. Wives, partners etc are most welcome. If you would like to go, please email Neil on neilh1808@optusnet.com.au so they have some idea of numbers for catering. More info on the Telstechs website www.raaftelstechs.au.com.


We asked Mick Lawson where the name "Djinnang" came from, he says "The official meaning of Djinnang is 'To seek and find'. It was taken from the aboriginal tribes around Pearce WA and used by the 3 Telu guys for their unit in Hong Kong".


So now you know!!


Cheap Charlie


Have you ever wondered what happen to "Cheap Charlie" after the Vietnam conflict ??. Remember the guy who gave all Australian's a bad name because he wouldn't buy those young Vietnamese ladies a cup of tea. Well John Elliott reckons he is alive and well and running a restaurant in Khon Kaen in Thailand.


Khon Kaen is about 290 km NW from Ubon for you old Ubon'ites. John was working there early in Feb, at a small gas processing facility for ExxonMobil, and saw the restaurant and thought we'd like the photo





At a 2 Sqn Dinner Dance at RAAF Butterworth in 1966 are:-


L-R:- Ray and Jan Hartley - RAAF, Dave and Auriel Halliday - RAF, Blue and Nada O'Loughlin - RAAF and Cecilia and Bob Bocos - RAAF.



I just read an article on the dangers of heavy drinking....Scared the hell out of me.

So that's it! After today, no more reading.

24RMC at Ballarat in 1961

Can anyone provide us with the names??


Mick Ryan sent us this photo which was of a Laverton golf day and which we had in our last issue, but we didn't know any of the blokes. Well, John van der Linden, who was on 18 Appy, did and he says they are:-


(Left to right) Bob Mathers, Jimmy Whyte, Steve Beckwith and John himself.



114 MCRU at Amberley in 1977


The Air Force recently hired several cannibals as consultants. "You are all part of our team now," said the Adjutant during the welcoming briefing. "You get all the usual benefits and you can go to the Sergeants' Mess for something to eat, but please don't eat any people". The cannibals promised they wouldn't.


Four weeks later the Adjutant remarked, "You're all working very hard, and I'm satisfied with you. However, one of our LACW WRAAFS has disappeared. Do any of you know what happened to her?" The cannibals all shook their heads indicating "no".


After the Adjutant had left, the leader of the cannibals said to the others, "Which one of you idiots ate the WRAAF?" A hand rose hesitantly, to which the leader of the cannibals continued, "You fool !!!!!


For four weeks we've been eating Officers and no one noticed anything, but noooooo, you had to go and eat someone important.

(Thanks Jen)

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