RAAF Radschool Association Magazine - Vol 19                                          November 2007

Page 19

We heard from Caroline Ashworth, she wrote:-  "I am a Film Preservation officer at the National Archives of Australia, Sydney Office, and I co-ordinate our collection of Defence Audio Visual material. I am writing in a non-official capacity to offer you some information regarding RAAF films. I am currently researching some RAAF titles and I found the excerpt below in one of your online magazines:  (Vol 16 , page 16, 2004.)"

Before our reunion, I asked RAAF PR for the whereabouts of a promo movie made with our course involvement in 1963. It took about 10 weeks to get a reply ... and the answer was, “The RAAF Museum may know”. I won't hold my breath as I've been told by a few people - only this week by an former SP who told me the CO's name when it hap-pened - that CPE films and stuff were burned. There should have been several of those old movies, but I'll bet they'll never surface.


(We wonder if the RAAF ever kept those old Moody Institute training films, most of which were ex-celent—tb)


"I would like to let you know that the National Archives have various collections of RAAF material including the Pt Cook RAAF Musuem collection which comprises roughly 2,500 items. We also hold various Moody Institute films as a part of the general Defence collection. The National Archives preserves all films as commonwealth records and, depending on condition, they are available to the public, either via screening onsite in Sydney, or where possible, copies on VHS may obtained for a fee."


"The Pt Cook museum collection is not currently searchable as it is being worked on, however it will be fully searchable within about six months on the archives website Recordsearch: http://www.naa.gov.au/collection/recordsearch.aspx"


"I would also like to point you in the direction of another site called Australianscreen Online, which is an initiative by a number of organisations to provide film content online to the public. As yet there is a limited number of films to view, but these are being added to all the time. Most government films appear under the link for 'sponsered films'. The address is

http://australianscreen.com.au/.  I hope this information is helpful to you. Please let me know if you have any questions, I am happy to help."


How is that a woman can take boiling hot wax, pour it onto her upper thighs, rip her hair out by the roots, and still be afraid of a spider. Men have two emotions: Hungry and Horny. If you see him without an erection make him a sandwich!

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