RAAF Radschool Association Magazine - Vol 19
November 2007 Page 7 |
We received the following from Jan Herivel.
“Hi everyone, I am a librarian at Penrith City Library and spouse of an ex CISCON and I am trying to find out any information about the RAAF barracks in High St Penrith for a paper.. I know the depot was called 5 WAAAF Depot between 1944-45 and was taken over by the NSW Police in 1947 as a training depot and dog handling centre. It appears that the police vacated the site about 1953 and then the barracks became the living in accommodation for SNCO’s and below who were stationed at Home Command, Eastern Area Command, HQ Operational Command etc. In the mid 80’s the living in accommodation was moved up the hill to Glenbrook, the site bulldozed and the new council chambers were constructed on the site. If anyone can firm up dates etc I would be very grateful as unfortunately, although thousands of RAAF personnel over the year, lived on the site, few can give exact dates. RAAF Historical have been of little assistance, they can provide information on Glenbrook but not the barracks. I have some photos of the barracks rooms etc taken in 1985 just prior to demolition if any of your members are interested.. Any and all help greatfully received.” If you can help, please let us know and we’ll pass on the info to Jan.