Radschool Association Magazine - Vol 30 Page 19 |
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Your say!
We received a note from Martin Edwards who says:
“I am an administrator of the
adf-serials.com.au website. We too are a group of enthusiasts
dedicated to the
In another there are photographs of Dakota A65-114 and BAC-111 taken by George Canciani. We do have his permission to use his photographs, do you? I doubt it seeing as you didn't give him any credit. In the same article the photograph of Dakota A65-65 has definitely been taken from our site's image gallery. It has been cropped to remove the photographer credit. It is used again on page 17 with the photographer’s name, Glyn Ramsden, that I added to the image when I uploaded it.
In volume 29 on page 8 is a photograph of Sabre A94-955. This was taken by a member of our team, Rod Farquhar. Again you have cropped the photo to remove his name. If we were asked chances are you would of be given permission to use this material. However you didn't do this so I will quote from our copyright notice;
"ADF-Serials has a responsibility to protect our contributors from those who would plagiarise their material and therefore our policy is to take action where we believe that theft of our data has taken place."
Therefore we demand that either the material mentioned above any other material that you have used from our website without permission be removed or a full apology is issued and the material correctly credited.”
We replied:
Martin, The Radschool Association is a not for profit organisation comprising mainly ex-RAAF radio technicians and we have over a thousand readers. I get contributions from those readers for the magazine, contributions which include text and photos. Normally, if a photo contains the owner's same I will leave it be and not crop it out, however, I have no control over material that is sent to me.
I have checked into your claim and as it is fair and true, I have made the necessary corrections to the articles in question. I apologise for this and will make every effort to ensure it does not happen again. – tb
Neil Hunter is looking for copies of RAAF unit insignias/badges/crests - Frognall Radschool and RAAFTUS in particular. If you can help, please let us know and well pass on the into to Neil
Mark Fielding, from the 9Sqn Association, would like to know if anyone can remember what were the trading hours of the officer’s mess at Vung Tau. It is needed for the squadron history which is being compiled.
Can anyone help, if so, let us know and we’ll pas on the info.
Geoff Forsyth
wrote, It seems to me that the newsletters just seem to get better every
volume. Congratulations. Vols 28 and 29 brought back some memories for me,
particularly of Bruce Gluyas. I was posted to Base Support Flt in April
67, and was very quickly taken under the wing of Bruce - despite the fact
that I was RadTech and he was Teleg. He obviously knew more about where I
was going than me, because he brought me right up to date on conditions at
Nui Dat, (from where he had just returned), and less than a month later I
started my recurring postings to Nui Dat looking after those strange Teleg
type equipments with gears and lots of plugs and sockets. I remember Bruce
as very friendly, and always keen to have a good time after
A great article from Ernie Gimm in Vol 29 (we agree - tb) which also brought back memories, because the ComCen area was very near Kangaroo Control in Nui Dat. I also remember, as Ernie does, the shock of returning to palatial quarters at Vung Tau after the tents of Nui Dat.
Steve Gladwin wrote: I was always worried that the Radschool magazine always referred to stuff before my time, (34RAC 1980-1982). Much to my delight I can contribute a little bit to a question on Page 19 re 136RTC. Vicki Sewell moved to Amberley to 482 Squadron, later married John Weringer, also at 482Sqn. Not sure where she is after I left in 1990.
Concerning the second female, it was Monica Hemmingway. The motorcycle accident occurred about a week before graduation. During their graduation parade, the graduating flight left her position vacant within the ranks, not blocking down as is typical while marching.
Graham Crawford wrote: There was a WRAAF Radtech long before 1980. I was an instructor at Radschool from 1974 to 1979. I can't remember her Christian name, but her surname was Benson. Her brother came through the school before she did and he topped all subjects. She had a lot to live up to. My first awareness of her was when (Cpl) John Joiner, all sweaty, came back to the office on his first day with a female Radtech on a course and said something along the lines of "God, she's got a bloody good figure". (Actually, something else, but I'm not repeating it). I don't know what other bases she went to, but I know she did a stint in 11 Sqn Edinburgh.
Dave Claydon
wrote, “Just some more information concerning the article on
page 19 of Vol 29 about 136 RTC I was on 141RTC we did have a female
Trainee on the course her name was Monica Hemingway she was killed in a
motorcycle accident a tragic accident that claimed a life that had so much
potential it saddened us all. I remember we were just about to escape Rads
after all the hard work and study - you all know that feeling. We had our
postings, I was off to ATTU as a Groundie and Monica was going to Richmond
as an air tech, she was getting a lift with me
I seem to remember there was another female, Radtech trainee between 136RTC and 141RTC I can not remember her name maybe someone will.
Also shared a room with two of the blokes in the photo Andy Wright (Back row 2nd on left and Craig ???? (Back row 4th on left) Also recognised Eric Diender front row 2nd left.
I really enjoy the Magazine always enjoy reading it as it brings back fond memories, Rad School was hard yakka but the remaining 4 years at ATTU was a time I look back on and realize the jollies we went on and Exercises I never did again experience. (Click the photo for a bigger view).
I am still recovering from K83 after spending 4 weeks in the Navy Base Rockingham WA a very wet camp compared with the guys at the other end of the HF radio cct in Roeburn Northern WA a very dusty dry camp I am sure they could smell the grog over the HF link.
Keep the mags coming.
Jim Lander wrote, Hi. Still plenty of interest in the rads maint flight photo I sent in some time ago. The lady far right front row is Sgt Margaret Hemsworth and she was NCO I/C the library. Also middle row second from right is Cpl Ian Gartner.
The Bus Ride
Two ladies’ bowling teams, one of all Blondes and the other of all Brunettes, charter a double-decker bus for a weekend trip from Sydney to Newcastle. It was agreed that the Brunette team rode on the bottom of the bus, and the Blonde team would ride on the top level. The Brunette team down below really whooped it up, having a great time, when one of them realized she hadn't heard anything from the Blondes upstairs. She decided to go up and investigate. When the Brunette reached the top, she found all the Blondes in fear, staring straight ahead at the road, clutching the seats in front of them with white knuckles. The brunette asked, 'What the heck's going on up here? We're having a great time downstairs!' One of the Blondes looked up at her, swallowed hard and whispered....... 'YEAH, BUT YOU'VE GOT A DRIVER!!!!'
We heard from
Peter “Pygmy” McAndrew who said: “Well it has finally happened, after
all those years, Jill
Peter “Dit” Eaton recently wrote to The Hon Dr Mike Kelly AM MP, re the Disposal of the DHC4 Caribou aircraft. He sent us a copy. He wrote:
“Firstly, I thank you for you efforts regarding the lack of proper indexation of DFRB, DFRDB, MSA and Com Super recipients. That successive Governments have treated long serving members of the Australian Defence Forces in their retirement in a lesser manner than other pension recipients, is not palatable in any way.
However there is another matter that I personally find potentially disturbing.
This is, with the recent retirement of the DHC4 Caribou from RAAF service, it would appear that no flying example of a true Australian War Bird is not going to be preserved. I would be surprised if you did not fly in one of these aircraft during your Military service.
I acknowledge that one aircraft is going to the AWM at Canberra, and one to Point Cook, but neither of these will be maintained in a flying state, or displayed as such. I do know that A4-140 has recently had a major servicing completed, and was displayed at Townsville at the retirement parade.
There has been no real mention of what the fate of the remaining serviceable aircraft is to be, apart that they are 'up for disposal'. I hope that this does not mean they will be given to some third world country, only to be left to rot at the end of some airstrip, as happened with the CAC 27 Sabres which went to Malaysia and Indonesia. I will not mention the fate of the Mirage aircraft that went to Pakistan, as that seems to be a state secret. I also find the condition of most aircraft displayed at 'Main Gates' to be disturbing to people who have worked on these aircraft during their RAAF careers.
There are at least two organisations that are capable of keeping examples of the Caribou in a flying condition. Temora Aviation Museum, which I know would like to be given trusteeship of one, and the Historical Aircraft Restoration Society (HARS) which is situated at Wollongong Aerodrome and which is completing restoration of a DC 4. The DC 4 uses similar Pratt and Whitney R2000 engines. Both are in close electorates to your Eden Monaro.
As a member of 35 Sqn in 1969, I am asking you to endeavour by lobbying your fellow politicians, and the Government, to help keep some examples of an aircraft that has served Australia for 45 years, in Australia, and more importantly, in flying condition, so that aircraft enthusiasts, and others, can enjoy sound and vision of this unique aircraft in the air for the future.
The former Polish RAF bomber pilot was speaking to a class at the Catholic girl's school about his war experiences.
He said: "It wuz terrible. We wuz flyin' at 10,000 feet over Stuttgart, when all uvva sudden there comes this fokker at us from our starboard side. Our gunner let fly with all he had, but then along came another fokker on the port side, wid' guns a' blazin', and when things were starting to look really bad, whaddyaknow but there was this other fokker comin' at us dead ahead - we thought we wuz all gonna' die,"
Whereupon the Mother Superior leapt into the monologue, and said nervously, "Um, children, I think you should know, that, um, 'Fokker' is the name of a company that produced aircraft used by the Germans in the war! Isn't that right Captain?"
"Aye, that's right," averred the Captain as he scratched his chin, "but THESE fokkers was MESSERSCHMIDTS! " |
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