RAAF Radschool Association Magazine - Vol 19
November 2007 Page 10 |
Junk mail
If you’re fed up with receiving a mailbox full of junk mail or of getting those annoying telemarketing calls at dinner-time then you can do something about it. To stop (most) junk mail in the letter box register here www.adma.com.au/asp/index.asp?pgid=1999. To stop telemarketing phone calls, put your details on the "Do not call" register here https://www.donotcall.gov.au/
Delete: When you delete a file or an email, it may go into the recycle bin or deleted folder. If you really want rid of it, you can empty your recycle bin or delete your email folder, right? Well, Maybe not!!
What if you want to make sure you file is deleted so that nobody can read it? You could ram a screwdriver through your hard drive or belt the hell out of it with a ball pein. Or you could get a file wiper program that overwrites your files with random or subsequent zeros and ones a bunch of times. Here's one that can wipe all your erased files: www.download.com/Mutilate-File-Wiper/3000-2092_4-10449033.html
In practice, you're more likely to mess up and erase the wrong thing if you try to keep all your personal stuff on your computer properly wiped. It's a lot easier if you trust people not to snoop.
Telstra: If you are a TPI or hold a Pensioner Concession Card and are with Telstra, the following could be of interest to you........
Are you getting the three monthly $19.80 telephone allowance??. If so, did you know that you can also get a discount on your line rental??
If you have local and national calls with Telstra, you're also eligible for up to $12.25 per MONTH discount on your line rental fee". So, for the normal three month bill a saving of $36.75 is available - if you ask. I am sure a lot of you are not aware of this, so if you're with Telstra and not getting this additional concession, grab your TPI card or PCC and phone 1800 192 929 and speak with them.
Penang school: If you were lucky enough to have had a stint at Butterworth from the late fifties onwards and you had kids that went to the local school, you (and your grown up kids) might like to check out THIS SITE .
A Predator unmanned aerial vehicle crashed last April while snooping along
the U.S. - Mexican border. The reason for the crash?? |
There were 39 combat related killings in the whole of Iraq during the month of January 2006..... In the fair city of Detroit there were 35 murders in the same month. |
If someone told you they were a pathological liar—would you believe them?? |