RAAF Radschool Association Magazine - Vol 19                                          November 2007

Page 10

OOPS:  A Predator unmanned aerial vehicle crashed last April while snooping along the U.S. - Mexican border. The reason for the crash??

One bloke was flying (controlling) the Predator, when his system locked up. He transferred control to another bloke. The other bloke happened to have his controls set in the fuel cut-off position when he received control and the engine died. But this bloke didn't realize it. When the Predator refused to obey and maintain altitude, the new controller put it into the autonomous lost-link mode.

But the engine was still dead, so the Predator just circled down until it glided into the ground. It was a $6.8 million error.

There were 39 combat related killings in the whole of Iraq during the month of January 2006..... In the fair city of Detroit there were 35 murders in the same month.

If someone told you they were a pathological liar—would you believe them??

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