Radschool Association Magazine - Vol 28 Page 20 |
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Reunions and other News. |
REOA News!
DVA Grant Application.
Ron Ledingham advised that they have been formally notified that they were successful in gaining a DVA grant for $8,994 for the purchase of an office set up and web design/update work. The paperwork formally accepting the grant has been signed and returned to DVA. Ron is unsure when the cheque will be available but approved items will be purchased as soon as possible plus updates to our web site.
Good outcome.
Metal lapel badges
The committee has agreed by popular choice a metal badge design of a pentagon shape (looks like a post box) with the REOA coloured logo centrally placed on a gilded gold background with single pin arrangement for wearing. The committee will now arrange to order some 80 badges for sale to the membership at $8 each. The REOA will cover the once off charges for set up of design artwork of $150.
Mid Year Lunch
Noel Hadfield advised that some 31 members had indicated their attendance at the lunch and 17 for the tour of Victoria Barracks. He said he has also received advice from the Federal Office of Senator Gavin Marshall that the date of our lunch coincides with sitting of parliament but Helen McMurtry from the Minister's office will attend our lunch on his behalf for formal handing over of the DVA grant.
The Red Door Group.
An e-mail has been received from Bob Bartram (right) detailing an informal approach from the "Red Door Group" which is for GPCAPT and above and is mainly centred in Canberra. The committee agree that this should be followed up and we should invite them to join us at our end of year function which is planned for Thursday 5 November 2009.
RMIT Visit.
A tour/visit for member to RMIT has been proposed as we feel there would be a high level of interest given the large number of REOA members who would have undertaken some of their initial technical training at RMIT either as an apprentices or cadet. Initial contact with RMIT has been very positive. The committee will explore this further and seek interest for such a visit later in the year.
Col Muir, who will be known to a number of members, has recently been appointed as a District Governor of Rotary. This is a very significant appointment and of credit to Col The committee agreed that we would draft a formal letter of congratulations to Col from the REOA committee and membership. Well done Col.
According to a new survey, women say they feel more comfortable undressing in front of men than they do undressing in front of other women. They say that women are too judgemental, where, of course, men are just grateful.
10 and 11 Squadron.
2009 marks the 70th anniversary of the formation of both Number 10 and Number 11 Squadrons, RAAF. A warm invitation is extended to all past and present members of 10, 11 and 492 SQN, as well as all those who flew, flew in or fixed the Catalinas, Sunderlands Neptune and Orion Aircraft.
The event will be planned around:
Thursday, 24 Sep 09
Friday, 25 Sep 09
Saturday, 26 Sep 09
Aircraft Static DisplaysThe committee acknowledges the fantastic support given by HARS in providing both the PBY Catalina and Neptune aircraft for the event and for static display. The AP-3C Orion will likewise be available.
Contact UsYou can contact us via email. Please Click here
UPDATESThe large number of people, now spread across so many locations and occupations, that we would love to see at the anniversary will make this web site the central method of disseminating the plan for the event. Operational demands will mean that some details will change as the plan matures, but the organising committee will post them promptly. We look forward to seeing all old comrades, friends and family at what will be a great couple of days.
RSVPIf you would like to attend you can RSVP HERE
RAAF Communicators reunion.
If you are an ex Operator, Technician, Officer or Switchy, then there is reunion planned for you on Saturday 5th September 2009.
It is being held at the Canberra Club, ACT, starting at 11.00am with lunch being served from midday. The cost per person is $30 and this includes nibblies and a very good lunch.
There is also a “Meet and Greet’ night planned for the Friday night, 4 Sept, also held at the Canberra Club, starting at 5:30pm.
You can download a flyer with all the details from HERE and if you're an ex Telstech, and you're not a member of the Association - then you should be....see here http://www.raaftelstechs.au.com for details on how to join.
When Noah's creatures left the ark, two by two, they lost no time in procreating their species, but months later a pair of little snakes were still eating their dinners alone. Noah was very sorry for them, and enquired if he could help them.
'Oh yes please, Mr Noah.' said Mr Snake. 'Please could you make us some wooden furniture.'
Mr Noah was puzzled as to how this might help the little snakes to reproduce, but made the furniture. Soon he took it to the snakes, they were so pleased. 'Thank you so much, Mr Noah.' said Mr and Mrs Snake.
A few weeks later, Mr Noah returned to visit the little snakes, and was overjoyed to find lots of little snakes wriggling around. He was still puzzled as to how he had helped the snakes, but Mr Snake answered Mr Noah, saying:
'Well, Mr Noah, we're adders. We can't multiply without our log tables.' Sorry Rupe!
Ian Champion
got in touch and asked that we remind everyone that there is a proposed
reunion of all bods
He says the Wagga guys have still got people to find but the numbers are good. If you want further info you can contact Ian via EMAIL.
Darwin Reunion
The time is getting closer for the
reunion in October. I forwarded a draft logo to the supplier last week.
All other arrangements are going ahead. Lunch at the SGTS Mess 17OCT and maybe a short tour of the base. I am now looking at trip for a day down the track. Adelaide River etc. I am still thinking of a Meet and Greet at a location in the Darwin CBD on 16th. I will let you know of further updates.
Don't forget the dates anywhere between 15OCT and how long you wish to stay. The length of your trip is up to you. Please pass this on to others who maybe interested.
John Richards (JR)
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